Csermely, Péter
president, European Council for High Ability
president, Hungarian National Talent Council
head of the advisory board of the European Talent Centre- Budapest
Freeman, Joan
elected Fellow of the British Psychological Society
Founding President of the European Council for High Ability
Honorary Fellow of the College of Teachers and Visiting Professor at Middlesex University
winner of the Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award for her work with the gifted and talented
Hoogeveen, Lianne
developmental psychologist
head of the Center for the Study of Giftedness (CBO) of the Radboud University
board member of the ‘Internationales Centrum für Begabungsforschung'
member of the Executive Committee of the Europan Council for High Ability
Kelemen, Robert
Deputy Head of ETC Croatia - Centres of Excellence of Varazdin County
PhD student at the Faculty of organization and informatics Varaždin in the field of information science
RITHA Specialist in Gifted Education
Fodor, Szilvia
psychologist, assistant professor, talent expert