Univerzum Minerva® is a structural support organisation for the development of human potentials and Slovene NGOs. Our value is our power, which comes from the word PODPORA =SUPPORT): Prijazni (kind), Odgovorni (responsible), Delovni (hard-working), Predani (committed), Odprti (open), Razumski (intellectual) and Ambiciozni (ambitious). As a socially professional NGO we are entering new approaches in the field of training and education, netting, counselling and public health. We are concentrated into spreading the energy of knowledge which our graphic sign also represents . Since 2010 we have assured public financing for the system support of the development of the educational NGOs Slovenia and we are actively cooperating with numerous ministries in the NGO sector. Our employees are elected to the Council of NGO Slovenia Centre, to the interdepartmental group for the preparation of the Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia and DRPi (to the education group and to the health group and Government Council of the Republic of Slovenia for the development of the NGOs and volunteering. We are the members of EUCLID third sector leaders, ETDF-FETD, Network for social responsibility, Slovenian philanthropy, CNVOS and MemoryXL. Univerzum Minerva is the initiator and leader of all national Slovene content networks which connect the NGOs and are financed from the European social fund. The basic principles of the work of Univerzum Minerva are: social responsibility, connection and the use of comparative advantages, stimulation of local initiatives, innovativeness and entrepreneurship, the strengthening of technological, ecological and human resources, strengthening of health, protection of natural abundance and the preserving of cultural heritage. We have received the Slovenian social responsibility reward HORUS 2013.
We are obliged to quality, which prove the gained certificates for leading qualities ISO 9001:2008, SIQ NVO-16 and MiQ Q-001/2013. We assure the efficiency of our work with the formed net of our and other experts for the development of human resources and the internationalisation of business which enables us to carry out the most demanding projects. We believe that we are the best team and the best warranty for carrying out such a demanding project because we have connection, energy, knowledge and persistence to make things better.
Operation of the European Talent Centre - Budapest is realised with the support of Grant Scheme No. NTP-EUT-M-12 (between 15th December 2012 and 30th June 2013) and NTP-EU-M-13 (between 31th October 2013 and 30th June 2014) and announced by the Institute for Educational Research and Development and the Human Resources Support Manager on commission of the Ministry of Human Resources “To support international experience exchange serving the objectives of the National Talent Programme, and to promote the operation and strategic further development of the European Talent Centre - Budapest”.
Postal address: 1518 Budapest 112 PO Box 146
Phone: +36-1-787-0597
E-mail: network@talentcentrebudapest.eu
Office: Matehetsz, Budaörsi út 119/b 1118 Budapest, Hungary