IMD’s 2015 World Talent Report

The IMD World Competitiveness Center published its IMD World Talent Report 2015, which
includes a talent ranking for all countries that are part of the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (61countries as of 2015). The data are gathered from the Center’s extensive database, which encompasses 20 years of competitiveness-related data.

The objective of the IMD World Talent Ranking is to assess the extent to which countries develop, attract and retain talent to sustain the talent pool available for enterprises operating in those economies.

The indicators taken into consideration comprise of Total public expenditure on education, pupil-teacher ratio, apprenticeship, employee training, female labour force, health infrastructure, cost of living, attracting and retaining talents at companies worker motivation, brain drain, general quality of life, foreign skilled people, remuneration in services professions, remuneration of management, effective personal income tax rate, personal security and private property rights, labour force growth, skilled labour availability, finance skills, international experience of senior managers, availability of competent senior managers, educational system, science in schools, university education, management education, language skills, student mobility inbound, and the PISA educational assessment .

Comparing to the previous studies there are some new indicators in the 2015 report and in addition to the lists there are one-page country reports summarizing the data about each particular country. Those profiles enable readers to easily trace the evolution of the talent rankings over the last five years and provide a quick assessment of each country’s talent strengths and weaknesses.

Special emphasis is put to the performance of the top competitive countries. The publication covers their 2005 to 2015 performance in the World Talent Ranking. These are the countries that have achieved a top 10 spot in the ranking for five or more years during the period under study. Such a performance is the result of an approach to talent competitiveness based on a balanced commitment to the development of home-grown talent and the attraction of overseas talent through policies that strive to meet the talent demands of the country.

In 2015 the top ranked countries are the following:

  1. Switzerland
  2. Denmark
  3. Luxembourg
  4. Norway
  5. Netherlands
  6. Finland
  7. Germany
  8. Canada
  9. Belgium
  10. Singapore

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Talent is a special kind of natural resource that is available in every country.