Phronesis is a psychology center that aims to foster an “optimal development” of gifted and talented individuals and their families, serving their social, emotional and academic needs.
Our work programme is based upon an intervention perspective focused on the stimulation of resiliency factors and processes.
The Center offers a comprehensive range of psychological and educational sevices centered on gifted and talented children, adolescents and their families. Psychological services include counseling, psychotherapy, parent guidance and family therapy.
The Center has an arrangement, and cooperates with, the Laboratory for the Development of Potential, Talent and Giftedness – LabTalento- of the University of Pavia and also with the association of parents of gifted children Step-Net Onlus.
Le Centre Européen pour les Surdoués se situe au siége de MATEHETSZ (Association Hongrois pour les Organisations de Support de Talents )
Bureau: 1118 Budapest, Budaörsi út 119/b, Hungary
Addresse Postal: 1518 Budapest 112, POB.146. Hungary
Télephone: +36-1-787-0597
Courrier électronique:
Operation of the European Talent Centre - Budapest is realised with the support of Grant Scheme No. NTP-EUT-M-12 (between 15th December 2012 and 30th June 2013) and NTP-EU-M-13 (between 31th October 2013 and 30th June 2014) and announced by the Institute for Educational Research and Development and the Human Resources Support Manager on commission of the Ministry of Human Resources “To support international experience exchange serving the objectives of the National Talent Programme, and to promote the operation and strategic further development of the European Talent Centre - Budapest”.
Postal address: 1518 Budapest 112 PO Box 146
Phone: +36-1-787-0597
Office: Matehetsz, Budaörsi út 119/b 1118 Budapest, Hungary